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Recycling at Westminster

Hi Westminster family! I am really excited about Westminster starting a recycling program! It is a fantastic way to teach your children to be good stewards of God's land. I applaud Westminster for taking the challenge of switching up habits, which we all know is tough to do! There are two bins outside the by the carport - one is just for bottles and cans and the other is...

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Teenagers and Their First Smartphones

Have a teenager who's unboxing a smartphone for the first time? Nervous? You should be! Read this helpful article by Tim Challies to get you through this traumatic experience. Then "pray without ceasing!"...

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Greetings from Alaska, Part 2

This is a follow-up to Elizabeth Hinckley's earlier blog post about life in Alaska. You can find Part 1 here. So how does one live in a home without running water? When we first moved to Fairbanks, Alaska, my husband Derek and I lived in just such a home (called a "dry cabin" by locals) for over a year. Here's how we solved the big problems of The Sink, The Shower, and Th...

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Lessons Learned from Scarlet Fever

Mark 7:31-37 tells a brief account of Jesus healing a deaf and mute man near the Sea of Galilee. Many times in the past I have read right through this story, and not given it a second thought. In the end, it is Jesus healing another person, yada yada yada. Often, God chooses to reveal dead lessons to me with life experiences, and this teaching moment was no different. Abo...

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The Calm of Justification

Dear Friends, Elizabeth and I attended the RUF Reunion in Starkville two weekends ago and were greatly encouraged by the fellowship and worship along with many of our old friends. Many of you know Brian Habig (Sr Pastor at Downtown Presbyterian Church in Greenville, SC and former RUF campus minister at MSU) who preached at Grace Presbyterian Starkville on Sunday morning. ...

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Valuable in Christ’s Eyes

I had the privilege last week of leading our Wednesday night discussion of Brian Sorgenfrei's sermon Investigating Jesus' Pursuit (Jesus' attitude towards the lost). The sermon was based on the three parables found in Luke 15. For lack of space I will not print the chapter but I encourage you to prayerfully read it. The three parables actually go together as they are pres...

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The Soundtrack to Your Faith

Hillsong brings their music and the Gospel to theaters across the world As a high-school English teacher, I spend a lot of time reading and scoring student essays. It's the price I pay to have summers off. This task gets old rather quickly. Reading what a high school student thinks about Poe's use of symbolism in "The Masque of the Red Death" can only hold your interest f...

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How Music Taught Me To Worship

Music has always been a constant presence in my life. My earliest memories are singing in the car with my Mama, or sitting with Daddy going through his records. I loved and absorbed everything I heard. Around the time I learned to read, which was about the age of five, I could stand in the chairs at the old hospital building and follow along with the hymnal. Memorization ...

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Depression is a very common battle that people face through their lives. Often times we try to find a reason for depression. For example, we see someone experience a loss of a loved one and correlate their depression to that loss. While depression can be onset by a loss or some other circumstance, there are other times when depression seems to hit someone out of nowhere. B...

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God's Promises Are In Your Reach

This article made an impression on me. How often do we fall short in trusting GOD?...

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