What To Expect

Engaging worship. Biblical preaching. A warm welcome. This is what you can expect when you visit Westminster Presbyterian Church. We invite you to come as you are and join us!

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions that are meant to help you know what to expect when joining us.

When do you meet?
Our Worship Service begins at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday morning, followed by Sunday School classes which begin at 11:20 a.m. 

Our Youth meet from 5:30-7pm on Wednesday nights for a meal and a time of study. Women's Studies are offered throughout the week, on Monday evenings at 5:30pm and on Thursdays at 8:30am and noon. A nursery is provided for each of these. Our Men meet for breakfast and study on Thursday mornings at 6:30am. We also have smaller groups that meet at different times and locations throughout the week. 

What should I wear?
At Westminster, you will see people dressed in a wide variety of styles from as casual as jeans or shorts to more formal attire. Most people find themselves somewhere in the middle. 

What is the worship like?
Our Worship Service typically includes music, prayer, scripture readings, a sermon, and the celebration of the Lord’s Supper (on the first Sunday of the month). We preach through books of the Bible and teach how the Scripture applies to your life. And we talk a lot about Jesus. Our music ministry offers a blend of contemporary and classic hymns. 

Where should I park?
We have parking on the front and left sides of our building. The main entrance to the Sanctuary is in the front, but our nursery is located just inside our side entrace, so parents of young children may find it more convenient to park in the side lot.

Our Sunday morning Usher Team will be at the doors to greet you when you arrive and will be happy to answer any questions or to direct you. 

Should I bring my Bible?
Some members bring their own Bibles, but Bibles are also available in each of our pews.

Do you have Student and Children’s Ministries?
We have two nurseries available to young children on Sunday mornings: an Infant Nursery and a Toddler Nursery (for children 3 years and younger). Both nurseries are located to the left as you enter our side door.

  • Nursery is available during the Worship Service and Sunday School.
  • "Little Worship" for children who are in 4-K and 5-K occurs during the Worship Service. These children will join us for the first part of our service and be excused just before the Sermon. We know that young children can be loud and squirmy. We understand! We feel that having them in the Worship Service with us is a great opportunity to teach them about the importance of Corporate Worship.
  • Sunday School begins at 11:20 and is available for all children who are 2 years old and older. Click here to learn more about our different children's Sunday School classes.

How often do you celebrate communion?
We receive communion together on the first Sunday of each month. At Westminster, all believers are invited to take communion with us.

Where can I find information about Bible studies offered?
We offer Bible studies for men, women, and youth at both the church and at individual’s homes. Visit our Adult Ministries page to learn more about our current studies.

How can I find out about events throughout the week?
Westminster has a number of opportunities to gather together for study, prayer or fellowship each month. Click here to see our upcoming events, or request to receive email updates by clicking here.

How do I become a member?
If you would like to know more about church membership or are thinking of making Westminster your church home, we invite you to join our Inquirer's Class.

If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to contact our church office at (662) 453-7608 or info@wpcgreenwood.org.