



Westminster follows the New Testament pattern of having elders who lead the congregation.  Though our elders oversee all ministries of Westminster (Worship, Sunday School, Men/Women Ministry, Youth, Children, the Board of Deacons, and others), their primary role is best described as being shepherds. Our ruling elders, along with our pastors, serve as under-shepherds of the great shepherd, Jesus. As shepherds, our elders seek to intimately know, spiritually feed, humbly lead, and faithfully protect the members of Westminster souls. Our ruling elders along with our pastor comprise a group of shepherds who meet the qualifications laid out in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 and who make up what is called the "Session."   


In Acts 6, the Apostles instructed the Church to pick out men of good character, full of the Spirit and wisdom, to provide for the physical needs of the congregation. Under the supervision of the Session, the Deacons administer the business and financial affairs of the congregation as a whole, and for individuals with particular needs. Click here to find contact information for our Deacons.