


Rooted Children's Update

by Meredith Buford

We are back, and have never been more excited! The Rooted Children’s Ministry has kicked off to a great start. Our Sunday school classes resumed in early August, and our children are continuing to chronologically go through the Bible with a wonderful curriculum called, The Gospel Project. It has been a joy to see the children’s and volunteer’s faces back within the walls of our church home. Although many things have changed since March, we have continued to stream bible stories and crafts for the kids to participate in while they were at home, as well as hold our annual “Water Day” and “End of Summer Bash.”

We are hopeful to start back Wednesday nights soon, and will be practicing for our upcoming Christmas program, which will take place on Sunday, December 6th.  We will also engage in a few fall activities by age group such as painting pumpkins, and making Fall crafts. With all the changes and inconsistency that have surrounded these children the past few months, my hope and prayer is that our church is a safe place they can come and feel welcomed, have fun, and learn how to love Jesus more on a daily basis. 

What are our needs and how can you help? We are always in search of volunteers in the children’s ministry. It is a joy and a blessing to have so many children involved in our ministry at Westminster, which is why I am often reaching out to members to see where they can help serve, and utilize the gifts the Lord has given them within our ministry. I am so appreciative of those who are currently serving, and those who have served. Teaching these children is a tall task, however I believe it is one of the most important tasks we have as a body in raising the next generation of the church. If you have been wondering where you could get involved in our church, please prayerfully consider volunteering with us, and feel free to reach out to me at any time with questions or concerns. I am always a listening ear on how to improve things, as well as any fun and exciting ideas! In children’s ministry, your thinking cap is always on and your wheels are always turning. 

We are looking forward to a great Fall with the children, as we continue to learn and grow in God’s word.


Meredith Buford

WPC Children’s Ministry Director

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