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by John Patridge It is not too late! Westminster Presbyterian Church is hosting a marriage Conference this Friday and Saturday, February 15-16. Fast forward to next week, you don't want to hear your friends and coworkers talking about what a great time they had over the weekend. You don't want to feel left out and you definitely don't want hear someone say "my spouse an...

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2019 RUF Update

Westminster's Mission for the Month of February is Reformed University Fellowship (or RUF). As the official campus ministry of the PCA, RUF is committed to serving university students in their unique stage of life by exploring together how the Lordship of Christ informs every area of life. Many of the members of Westminster first came into the PCA through an RUF minsitry o...

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Mary Consoles Eve, and Us!

by Joseph Gorman I love our church blog. I love getting a quick glimpse into what's important to our fellow members, and what forms their faith and thought processes. I get really excited when Kathyrn asks me to write my own post for the blog, then I get not-so-excited. You see, I'm just not a writer. I always feel like I have something great to share, but I'm never pleas...

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Fierce Marriage

by Gary Dyksterhouse Buttercup: "I'll never love you" (speaking to Prince Humperdinck) Humperdinck: "I wouldn't want it (love) if I had it." Buttercup: "Then by all means, let's marry." I love a good movie quote, and while this quote from The Princess Bride (don't be fooled by the name, this movie has serious comedic chops) is severely lacking depth and truth, it do...

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Habits: The Fruit of Our Hearts

by Anne Marie Owens "Consciously create habits because habits unconsciously dictate your life." (Anonymous) It's for good reason that human beings have famously been called "creatures of habit." Our actions, words, thoughts, and even our feelings are often the product our subconscious habits. For example, you may have found yourself making a wrong turn to a familiar dest...

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2019 YoungLives Update

by Shelbi Lamb Dear Westminster friends, Thank you so very much for your continued support of YoungLives. Your financial support of our little, local ministry means so very much to us - as do your prayers and your presence. YoungLives experienced a wonderful fall semester. We have begun a Bible study focusing on our "First Love" - Jesus. This has lead to so many great di...

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Tell Your Story

by Kathryn Dyksterhouse HAPPY NEW YEAR! I always love this time of year a time to reflect on 2018, all of the joys and struggles, and look with anticipation to the coming year. What would I like to continue? What would I like to change? I love looking at the clean(ish) sheets of my calendar and dreaming about the events that will fill them in the coming months. One of ...

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Merry Christmas!

by Richard Owens Merry Christmas, friends! I wanted to take a small moment on Christmas Day to share what God has been placing on my heart this Christmas Season and then offer a few encouragements. God has filled me with gratitude for family, friends, and for each of you. I'm excited about what God has been and is doing in the lives of so many of you. You've provided me a...

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The Consolation of the World

by Michelle Hodges I have a confession to make: I've never paid much attention to Simeon. I honestly didn't think he was that important. I usually speed read through this part of Luke, trying to get to the rest of Jesus' story. But, this time, I'm fixated on a particular phrase, "the consolation of Israel". Luke 2:25 " Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was S...

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When Heaven Comes Down, How Do Shepherds Respond?

by Kathryn Dyksterhouse In this year's Advent Sermon Series "When Heaven Comes Down," Richard is teaching us to see the different people that were confronted with the news of Jesus' arrival on this earth and how they responded. Last Sunday, we heard about the shepherds who were approached by an angel of the Lord with this news in Luke 2:8-21. I don't know about you, but ...

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