


The Heart of a Worrier

by Jere Stansel

I am a worrier.  I come by it naturally.  My mother was and my sister is, too.  I always thought if we were asked to join the Worrier’s Society, one of us would be president.  When I worry, about big or little things, that’s when I draw comfort from the Psalms.  I love the Psalms, and I think the reason is because the Psalms give a calming reassurance of God’s love, His strength, and His concern for me.

After a crisis, quite often I take a deep breath, rest in the Lord’s arms, and know experientially that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1).  But if a second difficulty arises shortly after the first, I don’t seem to be able to hold on as tightly or rest as securely, or reclaim the promises as readily, at least not so much.

But, I am learning to go back to God’s word, especially to the Psalms, to quiet my anxiety. I am also drawn to passages and penciled dates in the margins of my Bible.  These verses seem to carry a special blessing, because invariably they remind me of a loving and sovereign God who has answered prayer in a family crisis, maybe not in the way I asked it, but always answered.  These marked verses turn out to be the story of our family’s spiritual journey.  What a treasure!

Recently I began reading Learning to Love the Psalms by Dr. Robert Godfrey. He says there are three reasons the Psalms are such a blessing.  First, because of the beauty of the language itself.  For example, “The Lord is my Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1). Consider the strength and the simplicity of these words.  Second, the Psalms are a blessing because their content covers almost every occasion in life – like Hallmark cards!  Actually, the verses do address a large number of topics and issues.  And, finally, the Psalms explicitly prophesy the coming of Christ. Psalm 110, for example, foreshadows Christ and his saving work on the Cross.

Currently my favorite psalm is Psalm 46.  Why not join me and read it every day this month?   

Blessings, Jere Stansel


I love you Jere! You are so relatable! And you really know yourself! That's interesting that the second crisis seems to be the one to surpise you more than the first. As I think about it I'm the same way. Thanks for that insight to go to the Psalms. The Lord is my Shepherd, that's sweet news to my worrying heart.

Mrs. Stansel, Thank you for this post. The Psalms are a great encouragement to me, as I am in " The Worrier Club" as well!

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