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Humble Roots

by Brady Warren The older I grow, the more I perceive how little I know, and for the Christian, this is an ever deepening revelation because it points us to the truth that our God is the only Source of true wisdom and knowledge. As we drink of the Word of God, we become more cognizant of the little wisdom we possess and the depth of the riches of true wisdom God possesses...

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Operation Christmas Child

Matthew 19:14 "...but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." The leaves are starting to change, the days are getting shorter, the temperatures will hopefully be dropping soon and that can only mean one's time to start thinking about Christmas! Ok, maybe not Christmas itself yet. We...

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Sex, Self, and the Reformation

by Mischa McCray I've been working with students at French Camp Academy for the past 9 months, and I've had the opportunity to walk with several individual students through some difficult things. One student in particular has been struggling with feelings of same-sex attraction. The staff at FCA work hard to expose their students to a biblical worldview on all matters, so...

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Deep Idols

by Johnny Smith Earlier​ ​this​ ​year,​ ​I​ ​and​ ​group​ ​of​ ​men,​ ​led​ ​by​ ​our​ ​assistant​ ​pastor​ ​Ian,​ ​spent​ ​several weeks​ ​in​ ​a​ ​group​ ​meeting​ ​that​ ​Ian​ ​named​ ​the​ ​"Man​ ​Cave."​ ​​ ​Our​ ​study​ ​was​ ​based​ ​on​ ​...

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"Don't Compare Your Hustle To Their Highlight Reel"

by Sarah Waldrop I heard this quote recently and it has really resonated with me: "Don't compare your hustle to their highlight reel." We hate to admit it, but social media and the internet are a huge part of our lives. Some of us probably spend a little more time than we would like to admit scrolling through and liking photos and posts from people we don't even know (I'...

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Thank You From Bankston


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Purpose-Filled Journey

by Stacey Hall Late this summer, a few women in the church have embarked on a path for purpose by participating in a study by Anna Nash as a follow up to the WPC women's spring conference. Anna, the founder of the nonprofit organization Beacon People, focuses her ministry of encouraging people to live a more purposeful, meaningful life. More specifically, she encourages f...

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Lean Not

by Anne Marie Owens College was over a decade ago, yet I can still picture the scene. I was standing in the upstairs hall of our student union building and my RUF pastor said, "Annie, trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight." I couldn't believe his response! I had com...

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Dear Westminster, When I first moved to Greenwood in 2009, I was surprised to learn that the city did not recycle. Growing in up California, there never was a time in my life where our community did not have weekly curbside recycling pickup. The same was true at my mother's house in rural Arizona and at my university in rural New York. By the time I moved to Greenwood, re...

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Encouraging Story of the Day

by Mary Grace Conrad If you have ever listened to K-LOVE Radio, you have probably heard someone call in to give the "encouraging story of the day." It's an opportunity for people to share how God has worked in their liveswhether it be through a song, a prayer, or by someone coming into their lives at just the right time. So today I want to share how God used a friend to e...

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