


The Little Things


One thing that I have really noticed lately is that I have been so focused on always looking at the big picture without taking any time to “stop and smell the roses” as some might say. My eyes were opened to this while at work a few weeks back and has really made me think about it ever since. We were prepping for a big visit from some people out of our corporate office so we wanted to make sure that we had everything in tip top shape before they arrived. During one of our daily walk throughs, I kept pointing out big distracting things like pallets being in the aisle, product in the wrong location, and many other similar things like this that would have seemingly been the first things that everyone would see. I was talking to someone on our team about it and he told me to focus on the minor details because the big things would take care of themselves. I never actually thought about it that way but it applies to my work life as well as my faith.

At work, if I focus on the little things like trash on the floor, labels on everything, and keeping the dust out of the area, those other big things would end up being handled in the process to take care of the small tasks. Little fixes here and there can sometimes largely influence the big picture as much as a big fix. In my faith, I need to focus on the little things which will help me grow as a Christian. I need to make sure I get in the word, memorize scripture, and just show love to others each day so that I will grow as an overall Christian in the end. If I can stay persistent in handling the little things, I know I will be able to handle the big things later down the road.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

1 Comment

I've never considered that perspective! That's really encouraging to keep on in the "little things"!

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